Giuseppe Nelva
The concept revolves around a love story between a noble and his new maid Minato Aqua set in a world that resembles western Europe. It’s a pure novel-themed visual novel in which the player plays the role of Minato Aqua’s employer and falls in love with his maid. Our heroine is a new maid hiding a secret in service of the heir of the noble Francois family, who has lost his memories and has nightmares every night in which an unknown girl who says she hates him. One summer day the hero is told by his sisters that he needs to practice leadership for when he’ll have to take over the reins of the family. To do so, he needs to give guidance to his clumsy maid and give her advice from time to time. While the hero is attracted to Aqua, she is unable to fully open up to him about her secret and they’re divided by the insurmountable status wall that they cannot overcome despite their feelings for each other. What is the shadow that looms upon them as they face opposition from everyone around them? The is a pure love story of a summer despite social differences. Aqua plays the role of a live-in apprentice maid working for the Francois family. She trains every day to become a full-fledged maid but she has a secret she cannot tell anyone. You can check out the first screenshots below, alongside the HoloLive Official Edition and the Limited Edition, both available only for Switch. The PS4 version will be distributed only digitally. The game releases in Japan on October 27 and no western localization has been announced for the moment.

Visual Novel  Aquarium  for PS4   Switch Starring Hololive Vtuber Minato Aqua Gets First Screenshots   Details - 70