As LinuxConsole 2.5 ships with modern GNU/Linux technologies and open source multimedia software and games. Hence, this release focuses on children, as it is easy-to-install and comes with the Windows Installer. Here’s what the announcement reads “This release is basically designed to be used with children. As it is very easy to install it on any old computers with the Windows Installer, a lot of games and music software are available for use. Both releases boots with BusyBox 1.24.2. Core software and libraries are stored into a SquashFS file system”. As in other distributions, LinuxConsole introduces an updated kernel and desks are LXDE default and MATE . The distribution uses BusyBox to start the system and includes software such as GCompris educational or TuxPaint. As we told already that this release focuses on children and kids. LinuxConsole 2.5 is ideal for teams with few resources or former distribution. So that we can install the distribution on any computer without having any problems with PAE or the UEFI bios. Unfortunately, the official distribution is in the French language, but it is something that can be solved by changing the language of the distribution. Personally, I think that this version of this distribution offers nothing as compared to the Debian, so, why should we go for this version instead of Debian. Ubuntu or Fedora, however, they all have the settings that must be performed by hand, something they can not do all. However, with 2.5 LinuxConsole we will have everything in one step installation without any need of advanced knowledge of configurations nor have teams with great resources. Now let’s have a look at LinuxConsole 2.5 what’s this version actually, comes with, for the games and apps section LinuxConsole 2.5 includes the games like Minecraft Demo, Open Arena, SuperTux, FreedroidRPG, XMoto, Neverball, Aisleriot, MegaGlest, Hedgewars, Armagetron Advanced, AstroMenace, TORCS, and Battle for Wesnoth. GCompris educational software and Steam for Linux are also present. Now what about the open-source apps, basically it comes with the apps like VLC Media Player, Audacity, FreetuxTV, QjackCtl, FluidSynth, ZynAddSubFX, Inkscape, LibreOffice, GIMP, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Skype, FileZilla, VirtualBox, Stellarium, Tux Paint, GUVCView, and Linotte. Furthermore, LinuxConsole 2.5 can be achieved through this link, where you will find not only the installation images but also an installation guide and a list of the new tools that have the latest distribution.