The Company recently made debut in Indian Mobile Market with Smart 101 phone with a price tag of R.s 2,999 INR. Besides, this smartphone it also offers two feature phones Master and 4U, with a price tag of R.s 999 and R.s 799 respectively. It also offer 5600 mAh power-bank known as Kiwi with a price tag of R.s 399 INR. Ringing Bells came to light after it launched Smart101, a 4G powered smartphone with a price tag of $44. It features 5.0 inches display, 1 GB Ram, 8 GB inbuilt memory (expandable) and 1.3 GHz quad core processor. Ringing Bells was founded last year and it will start with the assembly of handsets in Phase I and plans development of the feature rich smartphones.  Indian is among the fast growing smartphone markets worldwide and is expected to overtake US as the second largest market in the coming years. Ringing Bells said that they support Indian Prime Minister’s vision to connect every Indian and improve their lifestyle. The Company also claimed that its smartphone is developed to fulfill the objectives of Make In India Campaign which is Indian Government’s Project to invite multinational and domestic companies to make their products in India. So, this is all about the smartphone with price $7. The company aims to connect to every Indian. We hope that you loved this article, feel free to share it !